What are college coaches really looking for? How do I get recruited?
What players and parents think coaches are looking for and what they are actually looking for is really not a mystery or all that complicated – but, not everyone wants to truly tell you the truth. Why? Because it doesn’t serve their interests. The truth isn’t all that popular, but it really shouldn’t be something that is divisive for coaches, players, or parents – it is a reality. In fact, it is the same things at every level that every coach is looking for – sometimes coaches may not even realize it is what governs their decisions. Have you ever thought, “why is coach playing that kid when this other kid is better or more productive?” Well, the truth is it is because of what the coach is really looking for – sometimes subconsciously. I am going to break down the things coaches look for – in order – and explain what you can and cannot do to catch a coaches eye.
The 3 things all coaches are looking for the most:
- Athleticism – jump out of the gym hops, blow by opponents speed, overpowering strength, lock down defensive lateral quickness
- Size & Length
- Size, Speed, & Athleticism
Yes, I listed size, speed, and athleticism twice on purpose – because it is the primary things that all coaches look for at every level. What is the difference between be a Division I & Division II guard – a couple of inches, unless you have so much speed and athleticism to overcome your height.
Since most of this you are born with, does it mean there is nothing you can do? No, there is plenty you can do – but, ever player and parent should know going in that these factors are so important to coaches that they will govern every decision that they will make in their coaching career.
What can you do as a player – it is essential that you first and foremost do everything you can to close the gap. We can’t change our height or length, so it is imperative that you spend as much time and energy as possible in being the very best athlete you can be. You need to dedicate yourself to a weight training program. You need to dedicate yourself to a speed & agility training program. You need to dedicate yourself to a plyometric training program. You need to dedicate yourself to every possible thing that you can do to close the gap athletically with bigger, stronger, faster, and taller athletes that you will compete with. Your height, length, and athletic ability will do more to limit or to expand your ceiling as a player.
What are the next things that coaches look for in a player:
- Shooting – more than any other skill or trait, if you can shoot coaches will always try to find a spot for you
- Not turning the ball over – The better you can dribble and pass the better you look as a player
- Involving Teammates – Your ability to pass (right time and right play) to make your teammates better
- Talking / Leadership – Being positive and positively impacting your teammates by talking on the court
- Hustle – the ability to never quit and never give up on the court, not false hustle just running around, but true hustle that impacts your team (taking charges, diving on the floor, running down a play from behind, etc.)
- Rebounding – not just grabbing boards, but getting rebounds out of your area, being relentless in getting the ball
- Defense – body positioning, talking, not getting beat off the dribble, and your help & recover ability
- Body Language – keeping your head up, staying positive, being coachable, not arguing or pouting on and off the court, how engaged are you on the bench, supporting your teammates, and helping teammates off the floor
- Work Ethic – are you actually working on stuff? Or, do you only work when someone is watching? Do you take reps off, take plays off, or take drills off in practice?
- Resilience – not everything is going to go your way – how do you react and how do you bounce back when things go wrong?
These 10 things are the things that every coach is looking for. These 10 things you control – no coach, no teammate, no ref, no opponent, no parent, and no trainer can give you these things or take them from you. Let’s call that your athletic attitude – you and you alone control your athletic attitude. If you do everything in your ability to maximize each and every one of these 10 things and every time you are on the court you display each and every one of these 10 things – no matter what. Then you will be wanted by coaches and ultimately have a chance to play.
Control what you can Control!
Dominate your workouts!
Make yourself indispensable on your team!